Sister In Law Pt. 06

Gill still looked like a deer in headlights as we joined her and Andy at the pizza place. "A great find," Andy said as we sat down.

"Thanks," Wayne replied.

It was extravagant for a pizza place, they served us wine, and we ordered two large pizzas to share for the table.

Andy told Wayne he was into the security business, mainly homes and businesses, but was venturing into other things. As usual, when he was with other men, Wayne just nodded his head and pretended he was interested; unless he saw or heard something that would help his company, he wasn't interested.

Gill told me she was a stay at home mom with three kids. The eldest was just about to leave for college. They asked if we had children of our own, and that's when I told them that I had the baby maker permanently turned off a long time ago. Gill was surprised and caught off guard. Which only instilled the thought that they came from a small town.

No doubt, with the new money they were making from turning houses and Andy's other things had made them a large amount of money quickly, so they were splurging on this trip as we walked out of the restaurant and walked along the pier. Gill and I backed up from the men.

"So, you don't want to have children?" Gill asked.

I smiled as I had been asked this question many times throughout my career. Always women were stunned that I didn't want children, that had no intention of being a mother.

"No," I shook my head with a smile. "I never had that maternal instinct, my first husband and I decided to put our careers first and we didn't want children to..." I stopped seeing the look on her face. If I said how I truly felt about children and careers, Gill would probably have a heart attack on the spot.

"We just felt it wasn't for us," I nodded.

"Oh," Gill said with a tone that told me she was highly disappointed. "I wouldn't know what I would be doing without mine."

"It's not for everyone," I said, looking forward at the two men ahead of us.

"My faith and my children are my guiding light," Gill said as she stared at me.

'Oh no," I thought to myself, she was going to go religion on me.

"I always make it a point not to..." I said, trying to be polite.

"Of course," Gill said as she stopped me in my tracks. "Politics and Religion," she nodded her ginger head.

"Right," I replied. I had my views on both, and I never talked about either to anyone for any reason.

"So, can I change the subject?" Gill said as we continued walking.

"Please do," I replied.

"Why?" Gill asked as she looked at my chest.

Even in the dark of night and my black jacket, it was hard to cover up my chest.

"Easy," I replied. "Why not?"

I always hated answering a question with a question, but the truth was, why shouldn't I get a large chest. Sure it was to land the man of my dreams, but I had thought about it long before. He was just the thing that pushed me to get them.

"I had thought about it," Gill said as she stared down at her flat chest. "Andy even said he would love it, if I did," Gill smiled.

"Scared?" I asked.

"Yes and no," Gill nodded. "God, I mean I was born this way, so why should I change that?"

I nodded. I knew what she meant to say. "Sometimes, just sometimes I think people should do what they want and not look at what others expect or plan."

Gill looked at me. She knew what I meant also, she was a beautiful woman, plain as day from the neck down, but her face was drop-dead gorgeous. "Plus it would make your husband happy," I smiled.

"Oh, yes it would," Gill beamed.

We had reached the end of the pier, and the guys were still talking about business as well as other things.

"I think we should head back," I said as I had enough talk about what we should and shouldn't do with our bodies.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~

"You should have told her to shut it," Wayne said as we got ready for bed.

"Honey, I am used to it," I said as I brushed my teeth.

I couldn't count how many times men and women had told me I had gone too far. That they were too big or that they weren't as big as I told them.

"She had no right to tell you that god or the tooth fairy wouldn't want you to have big boobs," Wayne said he was loud.

"Wayne," I said calmly. "She didn't say it like that, she just was hinting that she was made the way she was and her faith made her question her thoughts on changing it."

"But..." Wayne said as I put my finger on his mouth.

"It's over," I nodded. "Where they come from is different from where we are and they have thoughts that we don't share, that's it. Okay?"

Wayne silently nodded his head as I took my finger from his mouth. "Sounds like you had a boring conversation," I smiled as we climbed into bed.

"Boring is an understatement, the guy can talk about alarms, video cameras and motion detectors for hours, let alone home improvements," Wayne said as he wrapped his arm around me instantly his hand found my boob.

I smiled as I laid back into him. It didn't take long for both of us to fall asleep.

I woke up in the early morning. The sun had just started to beam through the curtains. As usual, Wayne had both his hands on my boobs, since the first night we began to sleep together, he never left them alone.

I smiled as I pushed my ass back to meet his body. I wasn't disappointed by what I found. His cock was semi-hard already. I expertly moved my ass around it, making sure to get it trapped between my cheeks and his body. Then I let my hips do all the work. I rolled them around, squeezing his hardening cock between my ass cheeks.

"Morning," Wayne said as he finally woke up.

"Morning," I grinned.

"Someone is in a mood," Wayne said as he squeezed my boobs harder.

"Well, it is morning and I didn't want it to go to waste," I said, trying to sound as innocent as I could.

Wayne knew me I could be as horny and as sexual as he could, and I loved the feeling of getting fucked. Wayne grabbed my hip with one, and then I felt it.

All glorious seven inches of him slid into me from behind. I loved being filled with his cock. Wayne grabbed my hip and began to fuck me hard. With one hand still on my chest and the other on my hip, he fucked me harder and faster.

"That's it," I said, moving my body to match his thrusts. Our bodies collided back and forth. The hotel bed squeaked underneath us. "Fuck me, fuck your slutty wife!"

I loved talking dirty to him, and he loved hearing me talk like the filthy whore that I was, but only for him. I never spoke like this with any of the other men. Hell, if I had to admit things to myself, I had never been a total slut with any of the others. For Wayne, I would do anything he wanted me to do.

He grabbed my hip and thrust himself deep inside of me. "Dump it, fill me up with it," I said, pushing back to meet him. Wayne came hard, his body thrust forward, and grunted hard as each pulse of his cock sent cum deep inside me.

"You're too much," he said as he turned onto his back.

"Why," I smiled as I turned over to look at him.

"Saying those words," Wayne said as he looked at me.

"What? Dump?" I laughed. "I meant it," I nodded. "I am yours now, and whenever, however you can always cum inside me, or on me," I shrugged. "I am your cum dumpster."

I made sure I emphasized your. I didn't want him to think there would be anyone else. Ever.

"Now I am going to take a shower," I said as I got off the bed. Wayne lay still as he looked at me. "Do you want to join me?" I smiled as I looked over my shoulder.

Wayne was hot on my tail as we rushed towards the bathroom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Thank you," I said to the waiter as he dropped off the second drink of the afternoon. He left and almost stumbled over one of the other deck chairs as he stared back at me. I was sure I was the talk of the pool as I laid in my very skimpy silver bikini.

The small triangles barely covered my nipples, and the lower half was just as revealing. My tight stomach was out in the open for all to see. I rolled over onto my stomach for the fourth time as I looked at Wayne talking to a bunch of men at the bar.

"Excuse me," I heard as I stared at my husband.

"Taken," I said, holding my ring finger up.

"Oh, sorry," the man's voice said. I didn't even turn to see who it was; I am sure it was the silver string disappearing between my ass cheeks that we're making them come out of the woodwork.

"Ahem," someone said from behind me.

"Married," I said again, smiling as Wayne smiled obviously. They were watching some sporting event.

"Do you have to dress like that?" the voice said it was a woman's voice. "There are children here," she said.

I sighed and slowly turned around to look at this bulbous woman standing in a one-piece, holding up a towel as if she was hiding me from the world.

"Like what, exactly?" I said as I lowered my sunglasses.

"Like a whore," the lady said in barely a whisper.

"I prefer bimbo," I smiled back at her. "A whore would have worn pumps, or black, I am wearing silver," I said as I sat upright. "Also, I am far away from the kiddy pool and nearer to the deep side of the pool. Also I have not gone up to any of the other men or have I strutted along the poolside. I have just laid here, working on my tan."

The lady shook her head as if I said nothing at all. "But if you want, I can get up and walk around the pool," I said as I motioned to stand.

"No," the lady said, shaking her furiously.

"Then leave me to my tan," I said, lying back down.

"Whore," the lady said as she walked away.

"Thank you," I shouted back.

At least she had the decency to come and talk to me. The other ladies around the pool just looked at me and shook their heads. I didn't care much for what they thought, I had worked hard for this body, even though my chest had been bought, the rest had taken hours in the gym and speciality diets to keep it the way it was, and if they thought I was going to spend my vacation hiding it from the world, they were dead wrong.

"Where did he go?" I said as I looked over at the bar. My husband was gone. I looked back and forth and couldn't see him.

"Looking for someone?" a voice said from behind me.

"Yes," I smiled as I relaxed. "A strong muscular man I saw at the bar," I said as I slowly turned to see Wayne standing beside my pool chair.

"Oh really?" he asked as he sat down beside me.

"Yes," I said, still pretending to look around. "I was going to ask him if he wanted to go for a walk down the beach."

"I can walk with you," Wayne smiled as he stood back up. "Maybe we could look for him together."

"Oh, shut up," I said as I stood.

"Too much?" Wayne asked.

"Just a little," I said as he took my arm in his as we walked out of the pool area. I was sure I heard a deep sigh from every man at the pool as Wayne walked with me.

The water was beautiful, and the sand felt great. We walked in silence for a long while. "They still staring?" Wayne asked.

"Yup," I nodded. A bunch of young men had been staring at us as we walked by them.

Wayne smiled as we continued to walk.

"Did I over do it on the bathing suit?" I asked as we got further down the beach.

"Not for me," Wayne said as he looked at me.

"Well, maybe I should of gone for the other one," I said, "It barely covered anything at all."

"Maybe you can model it for me when we get back home," Wayne said.

"Or the hotel room, I did bring it," I smiled.

"You are too much," Wayne said as he turned me to face him. We kissed, and I melted in his arms. Then he took my hand and pulled me into the tall trees and bushes that lined the beach.

"Wayne?" I said with a massive smile on my face. The small branches and leaves brushed against us as we got further in. Twigs and dead leaves were scattered all over the ground we were walking on with our bare feet.

"Wayne," I said as he pushed me back against one of the larger trees. I knew the look in his eyes; he was going to fuck me right here. I could still see the waves splashing on the beach. Anyone on the top few floors of the hotel could see us clearly from their balconies.

With one swift move, he had both my legs off the ground and around his waist.

"Yes," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck as he entered me.

Wayne started to fuck me hard and fast against the tree. I tightened my grip around him as he grunted in my ear as he pushed deep inside of me over and over again.

"Come on," I said, encouraging him to fuck me. "Fuck your bimbo slut of a wife."

With each thrust, he pushed deeper into me, I knew it would be quick and fast, but I didn't care. I didn't care if someone heard me; I didn't care if someone saw us from their balcony. "Cum inside me," I yelled. "Fuck me hard!"

Wayne pummeled my insides for what seemed like an eternity before he pushed deep inside me. I held onto him tight as he came with each pulse. He shot his cum deep into me. Finally, he slowly let me down onto my feet.

"Well," I said as I pulled my bikini bottom to its proper position.

"Sorry, I just wanted..." Wayne said as we slowly walked out of the bushes.

"Anytime, anyplace," I said as I looked back at him.

I made a beeline for the water. Wayne joined me as I swam out. We swam around for a bit as well as stared at each other. "We could go back to the room, order room service and never leave?" I said as I saw that look in his eyes.

"Sounds good to me," Wayne said.

We practically ran back to the hotel, then giggled like high schoolers as we entered the elevator. If the others in the elevator knew what we were thinking, they would have probably joined in as well.

Once we got into the room, we went into the shower. For the second time today, Wayne fucked my big tits. I didn't know what came over him. Every time he saw them all soaped up with bubbles and foam over them, he had to put his dick between them.

"You order room service," I said as I stood up in the shower to wash my face. He also loved to cum on my face every time he did it.

"Okay," he said as he walked out of the bathroom.

It had never been like this with Gary, not once, sure we had some fun times initially, but it always been about making money and being financially secure.

Once I got out of high school and into college, my wild side had died down. I no longer wanted to be a wild child. I wanted to be better than my parents; they had always lived paycheck to paycheck. We lived in a small house on the outskirts of town. I wanted to be better. I wanted a big house and lots of rich friends. So, I studied a lot. My sister went to a different college. She wanted to stay close to home so she could take care of our mom.

Looking at me now, most people would think I was like this in college. Wild and crazy, sleeping with anyone and everyone. While in high school, I gave out blow jobs and hand jobs left and right; college was quite the opposite. I was the nerdy flat-chested girl in the library first thing in the morning and the last one to go. I knew I wanted to be rich, and the best way to get there was being the smartest. The reality of it all hit me hard in the second year. I sucked at being smart. I failed test after test, no matter how hard I studied, no matter how hard I crammed for the test, ultimately I failed.

That's when I met the first, Henry Tailor. He showed me the real world. He wasn't smart, well, not book smart anyway, street smart totally. He showed me how he passed every test, any test. He was selling drugs, the illegal kind, as well as the pharmaceutical. He sold them to everyone, the nerds to keep them up all night, to the jocks so they could be faster, stronger on the field, he even sold them urine kits so they could pass the drug test, he sold to the cheerleaders as well as the dance squads. What surprised me most was that he was also selling to the teachers.

Henry took me under his wing, and by the end of the second year, I was just like him. That was the real world. Everyone had a nitch a saying Henry said, something they were really good at, his was selling, he could sell anything to anyone. He said I would have to find mine. He was also the first to take me to bed, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but the first time never was. After that, he left for better things.

I took over for him; I had everyone eating out of my hand. So I thought, one day, someone stole my stash. All of it, I had nothing. When I called Henry, he told me to handle it because the person I had to pay back wouldn't take any excuse, no matter if it were the truth. I found the person and tried to get it back the kind way, even offered him a cut of what I was making, he didn't go for it. When it was time to pay Henry's supplier, I told them everything. They came back to me the next day with my stash minus their cut. I never heard from or saw that guy again. That's when I realized if someone got in my way, I had to deal with them.

I still wanted to be rich but in the right way. So I ditched everything, including the nerdy look and the suppliers and bought tight tops and short skirts. I left that college and went to another; losing the nerd, I went straight for the bimbo. It was my nitch. I was good at it. Instead of being the most intelligent person in the room, I played the dumbest. Gary was my plan from the moment I saw him, and he fell for it, up until the day we got married. After that, I learned everything about real estate, and the rest was history.

Now I had the life I wanted. I had more money than I could ever spend in my lifetime, the man I wanted. Sure the ladies down at the pool saw the blonde hair, fake tits, and the body of a slutty whore. What they didn't know was I could buy their houses from under them, sell them for half the cost and sleep like a baby afterwards.

"Foods here," Wayne yelled.

"Coming," I said as I got up from sitting on the bed.

I went into the living room. Wayne sat at the table with a lobster feast in front of him.

"We need to talk," I said as I grabbed the top of the lobster feast and put it back on top.

"Okay," Wayne said as he looked at me.

I pulled the chair from the other side of the table and sat down in front of him.

I told him everything, from the moment I saw him at his wedding to the moment he said I do at our wedding. I left out putting the program on his laptop. I didn't think he needed to know that part. Through everything, he sat and stared at me. He didn't nod his head or look mad. He didn't even flinch when I told him how I had set Gary onto the trail of taking over his job.

When I finished, my eyes were filled with tears. I knew I was going to lose him.

"That's it?" Wayne said as I stopped.

I nodded as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Okay, then," Wayne said as he took a deep breath. He took the ring from his finger and placed it on the table. "I need a moment."

I nodded as I stared at the ring. "I will..." I started to say, but Wayne was already lying down on the couch.

I got up and called room service to come to get the cold food. It was going to be a waste to throw it away. I looked over at Wayne, but he was still staring up at the ceiling.

"I will be in the bedroom," I said in a low whisper.

Wayne nodded as he barely blinked.

I must have fallen asleep as it was pitch black as I got up. I walked through the hall to the living room. My heart sank as I saw the empty couch, and the ring still on the table. He had left me. Of course, he had left; what I had done was horrible. I started to cry.

"Out here," Wayne said, his voice came from the balcony.

"Hi," I said as I stood at the doorway.

"Hi," Wayne said. He was staring over the balcony wall out at the beach.

"You didn't leave," I said as I stared at him.

"Should I?" he asked as he turned to look at me. He placed his back on the divider and stared at me.

I walked onto the balcony to join him. "I am the reason you lost your job," I shrugged.


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