Judge Sandy Ch. 01

Judge Sandy -- ch. 1

Sandra Fiore sat at her bench in her courtroom listening to the two lawyers bickering back and forth. Her mind drifted to the class she had to teach later that evening at the local community college. It should be an easy evening since she had an exam scheduled for her class. She could just sit there and read over some briefs she had for an upcoming trial. "I've heard enough for today!" She interrupted the lawyers as they debated the merits of their side. "We can pick this up on Monday morning." She couldn't decide what she wanted for dinner before her evening class. She gathered up her papers and notes as the two lawyers sat at their respective desks and watched her. She had been known for abruptly ending a day's hearing without any notice.

She stood, her robe hiding her statuesque figure. Her four-inch heels gave her a taller appearance than her 5'-5" height. Sandy was of Mediterranean descent with a dark complexion that made her strikingly beautiful. She had raven black hair that hung down below her shoulders, except for those times she knotted it in a bun. Her robe covered her figure that she was very proud of and worked hard at maintaining. Three or four times a week at the health club helped. She had a little bit of a belly that she knew came from drinking too much wine. But she loved her wine and had no intention of giving it up. But her greatest asset that she enjoyed taunting men with, when she wasn't wearing her robes, were her 38DDD breasts.

She had worked hard to get where she was at as a circuit court judge. She had put herself through law school, and then proved herself as a tough lawyer before being appointed to her current position. She had met her husband of twenty years at law school. They married shortly after graduation. But as is the case with most ambitious couples, their goals took them in two different directions. They stayed married for far too many years beyond what they should have. Two people, living together under the same roof, going in different directions. They eventually divorced. Sandra threw herself into her career, slowly working her way to the position she now held. She never used sex to advance her career, even though she had plenty of opportunities. She had a few lovers over the years. But she made sure they were always someone outside the circle of men she had to work with on a daily basis.

Sandy pulled into the parking garage of the community college and parking in her designated space not noticing the blue van just three spaces from hers. She hurriedly made her way into the building and to her classroom.

Brandon sat on the back row of every class he took. Ten years in the Army as a Ranger created in him several idiosyncrasies that governed how he lived. One of them was the dislike of having someone sitting behind him. He looked over his exam answers one last time before gathering up his stuff and throwing it in his backpack, then making his way to the front of the class to turn in his exam. He smiled at Sandy as he laid the exam on her desk. His eyes lingered a few extra seconds on the swell of her chest. He'd always thought she was an attractive woman. Even though she was fifteen years his senior.

Sandy returned his smile as he walked out of the classroom, noticing the extra glance he gave her chest. She watched him walk away. She felt a stirring between her legs as she checked out his ass. Then she tried to remember how long it had been since she'd been with a man.

Brandon stood 6' - 3" with the build of a man who took care of himself. He'd decided he didn't want to lose the skills or physique the Army had chiseled into him. He made his way to the library wanting to check out a couple of books before heading home. After being discharged, he decided to get a degree in Criminal Justice. He had many skills that he'd learned in the Army. But few of them made him marketable in the private sector. He had thought about becoming a cop. But with just about every police department requiring their officers to wear body cameras, 'no thanks.'

Sandy gathered up the exams after the last student had left the classroom. She threw them in her briefcase and headed back to her car. She was so consumed with thoughts of what she wanted to try to get done over the weekend that she didn't notice the two men walking up behind her as she unlocked her car, throwing her briefcase in the front seat. Panic overtook her when she felt a hand grip over her mouth and nose, while another wrapped around her chest, pulling her into her assailant.

"You fucking bitch!" A voice whispered in her ear. "We're going to have a lot of fun with you before we kill you!" She felt the fingers of the hand across her chest dig into her soft tit flesh. "I can't wait to sink my teeth into these tits of yours."

Sandy mind kicked into survival mode. She tried to scream and kick as she felt another set of hands grab one of her arms. The hand across her mouth held her so tightly, her scream was just a muffled squeal. The two assailants began dragging her to the blue van just a few spaces from her car.

Brandon had just stepped into the parking garage when he saw Sandy approaching her car. He watched her unlock it and throw her briefcase in the front seat just as two guys came around a concrete pillar and attack her. The two were so intent on grabbing Sandy, they didn't see Brandon coming at them fast. He got to them just as the side door to the blue van opened. He knew if they got her in the van, they'd probably get away. He decided to take out the guy who was holding her from behind first.

Brandon reached around the guys face and cupped his chin with his right hand. He then grabbed the back of his skull with his left hand. With one violent twist, he snapped the guys neck. He crumbled to the ground, dead before he hit the concrete.

The second assailant had a little more reaction time. He reached into his belt to pull out a Glock just as Brandon turned his attention to him. The gun cleared his belt just as Brandon grabbed his wrist. He jerked assailants arm up till the gun was pointing at the ceiling of the garage. The assailant began pulling the trigger. He only got off two rounds before he felt the gut wrenching pain of Brandon's knee in his groin. Brandon didn't hesitate. He kneed him three times in the groin and would have continued to do so, except the guy buckled over in pain, releasing the gun as he did. Brandon grabbed the gun and watched him drop to the concrete and curl up into the fetal position.

A third assailant jumped out of the van just as Brandon gained control of the gun. Again, without hesitating he pointed the gun at the third guy and pulled the trigger just as he was aiming his gun at Brandon. The back of the guys skull splattered all over the inside of the van. It was then that Brandon noticed the guy in the driver's seat. He was reaching for something when Brandon put three rounds into him.

Within the span of about twenty seconds, three men lay dead and the fourth was writhing on the floor in pain, unable to do anything. Brandon quickly looked around to make sure there were no more attackers. "Are you ok?" He asked Sandy as he lay his hand on her shoulder. She was trembling so bad he thought she was going to collapse.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you!" She began to sob. "Why? Who are they?"

Brandon knew he had to take charge of her now. "Look at me!" He commanded her. Sandy focused on him. "Go to your car and get your cell phone. Call 911 now!"

Sandy did as she was told. Brandon was going to follow her back to her car, but decided to watch over the last attacker still laying on the concrete. The thought crossed his mind, 'If this were combat, I'd put a bullet in this assholes head and not have to worry about him.'

The campus security guard got to the parking garage before the Chicago PD arrived. Brandon looked him up and down and decided not to leave the guy on the concrete, who was now puking up his guts. "Go stay with the judge until the cops get here." The security guard did as he was told, not knowing what else to do.

Fifteen minutes later the parking garage was filled with cops. By this time, Sandy had returned to Brandon's side, having calmed herself down to a degree. She put her hand on his arm. "Thank you! I don't know how else to say it! I was so scared. They said they were going to kill me."

A cop walked up to her. "Ma'am, would you come with me please?"

Sandy glared at the cop, reacting in a way she wouldn't normally. "NO!" She almost screamed. She wrapped her arm around Brandon's. "I'm not leaving him." She knew her reaction was a bit irrational. But this man had just saved her life. And for some reason she felt safer with him, than with that police officer.

An officer in a suit walked up. "I'm detective Moore. Tom Moore. What the hell happened here?"

Brandon recounted the events in detail. After he finished. Sandy chimed in. "Why? Who were they? Why me?"

"I think I can answer that question right now Judge. Those four are part of a gang. A gang that you just sentenced their leader to life in prison. My guess is, this is retaliation." Tom looked at Sandy. "Judge, I think we should get you to the hospital to have you checked out."

Sandy gripped Brandon's arm tighter. "No! I'm fine! Just a little shaken."

Tom wasn't about to argue with a judge. "OK! Well, I want you both to come down to the station to fill out reports while all this is fresh. One of my officers will take you, then bring you back for your cars after we're done."

Brandon and Sandy sat in separate rooms and retold their stories. Tom decided he wanted to deal with Brandon himself. He had a female detective take Sandy's statement. After Brandon retold his story again, "So am I in any kind of legal trouble because you've got three dead guys?"

"Not if I have anything to say about it. You did the city a favor by killing those three. But I gotta be honest. That gang is not going to stop coming after the Judge. And my guess is, they'll be coming after you now too." He paused. "But it looks as though you can take care of yourself."

Brandon gave him a brief overview of his time in the Army. "I can take care of myself. My concern is for the judge." Brandon thought about his next question. "What's the possibility of getting a conceal and carry permit?"

Tom nodded. He could tell Brandon was already thinking ahead and planning. "I think I can expedite that for you under the circumstances." He chuckled. "Besides that you've got a judge on your side now. You could probably get the keys to the city if you wanted them."

It was Brandon's turn to laugh. Something he hadn't done all day. "No thanks! I hate politicians. I have no use for them. But what about the judge's safety?"

"She lives out in the western suburbs, outside my jurisdiction. But I'll coordinate with the Hinsdale Department. I'll make sure she has round the clock surveillance"

The female detective stuck her head in the door. "Hey Tom. You got a minute?"

Tom got up and stepped outside in the hallway. Then returned after several minutes. "Apparently Judge Fiore only feels safe with you. Says she won't go home unless you take her."

"I had a feeling she might. The way she was clinging to me. I get it. Probably every woman's worse nightmare." He thought for a minute. "If you could take the two of us back to the parking garage. I'll make sure she gets home safely."

Tom shook his head. "Sounds good. I'll have a car follow you, then stay parked outside her place."

Sandy wrapped her arm in Brandon's as they walked out of the police station. The ride in the squad car back to the garage was a quiet one. "Grab your stuff out of your car." Brandon commanded her when they got out of the squad car. "I'll take you home in my truck. We can come back for your car later."

Sandy grabbed her briefcase from her car and hurried over to Brandon's truck as he stood next to it waiting for her. He looked at her as she stood in front of him next to the passenger door. She was still trembling. He grabbed her arm gently and stroked it up and down. "You're going to be ok." He assured her gently. "You're a tough lady. You didn't get to where you're at without a measure of toughness."

Sandy soaked in his words and kindness. After experiencing the violence she had just been subjected to, his tenderness was like a cool glass of water. She put her hand over his and smiled at him. "Thank you. Will you stay with me? I know I have no right to ask that of you. But I just . . ."

Brandon cut her off. "I'll be glad to. You don't need to explain anything to me." He opened the door for her. "Now let's get you home." The drive to her house was about thirty minutes. When he pulled into her driveway he noticed the squad car parked across the street from her house. He pulled into the garage where her car would have normally been parked. "Let's go inside. I want to check out the house before we settle down for the night." He walked through every room, checking every window and closet. Then he explored the basement. "I'm going to go talk to the two officers outside. I'll be back in a minute."

"I'll go with you." Sandy was still scared of being alone. Now the size of her house only added to that fear. She had always thought her house was way too big for what she needed. Now all those empty rooms just added to her insecurity. She followed him out to the street and stood behind him as he spoke with the officers in the car. He gave them a briefing as to what they might expect. They already knew everything he told them. But Brandon had learned over the years to never take anything for granted.

The two of them walked back into the house. Brandon locked the front door and turned off as many lights as he could with them still being able to see their way around. "You have anything to eat?" He asked smiling. "I just realized I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast."

"Yes! Of course! Let me make you something." The two of them walked into the kitchen.

Brandon enjoyed watching her move around the kitchen. She moved with a gracefulness in her bare feet. The more he watched her, the more he chastised himself for thinking of her as a sexual object after all that she'd been through that evening. He knew he had to focus on something else or it would be a very long night. "Do you have any guns in the house?"

"Yes! My ex bought me a little 9mm many years ago. I keep it in the night stand next to my bed."

"I'll check it out before we turn in for the night."

"I don't think I'll be getting any sleep this evening." Sandy said sheepishly. She was beginning to feel a little embarrassed by how clingy she was to this man who'd just saved her life. She had always been independent. Her life had just been turned upside down. Now she found herself not wanting to be outside of this man's sight.

"Then we'll sit up and talk. I don't think I'll be getting much sleep either tonight." He watched her prepare their meal. "So you start. Tell me about yourself."

Sandy started rambling about her life. Jumping from her childhood, to adulthood, back to college, then finally about life as a judge. The two talked for over an hour as they ate their meal slowly. Each telling their own story. Sandy cleaned up the kitchen. Then the two of them head upstairs. "I need to take a shower." Brandon said as they climbed the stairs. "I wish I had a change of clothes. But I can get that tomorrow."

Sandy showed him the bedroom that was next to hers, and the bathroom he could use. He stood in the doorway to his bedroom staring down at Sandy. Her chest was heaving up and down as she breathed. At that moment he couldn't think of anything he wanted as badly as he wanted her. "Let me take a shower and wash the stink off. I'll check on you after I'm done."

They went to their separate bathrooms and showered. Brandon decided to take a long shower, allowing the hot water to cascade off his body. He always thought a hot shower was great therapy. When he was done he dried off, then wrapped a towel around himself before walking back into his bedroom. Sandy was sitting on the bed in her bathrobe waiting for him. "Can I get you anything?" She asked.

"No! I'm good for now." Brandon couldn't stop staring at the deep cleavage between her breasts.

Sandy stood and walked over to stand in front of him. "I can't tell you how grateful I am for what you did for me this evening. Every time I think about what he whispered in my ear I cringe. I know I'd be dead right now if you hadn't been there." She put her hand lightly on his chest and softly caressed it.

"I'm glad I was there to help." Brandon couldn't think of anything else to say.

Sandy had an overwhelming desire to just give herself to this man. She knew he was about fifteen years her junior. But he had defended her in a way no other man had ever done before. She looked up at him as she untied the knot holding her robe together. Then she slid it off her shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor.

Brandon stood still as he stared at this gorgeous creature before him. Instinctively he reached out and caressed the side of one of her tits. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked.

Sandy gasped softly when his hand touched her sensitive breast. "Yes!" She answered softly. "I can't think of anything I've wanted as much as I want you right now."

Brandon cupped both her tits in his hands and fondled them, taking her nipples between his thumb and index finger. Sandy gasped as he rolled them between his fingers, bringing them to an erection till they were as hard as a pair of pencil erasers. "You sure you want this?" Brandon asked again knowing the answer.

"Yes!" Sandy gasped with an arousal she hadn't felt in years.

Brandon leaned forward and kissed her as he continued to play with her tits. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth and pulled on it with his teeth as his fondling her tits became more intense. He then released her tits and took her hands in his. He guided her hands to the knot in his towel.

Sandy knew what she wanted. She untied the knot holding his towel in place and let it drop to the floor. She looked down at his semi-erect manhood. Her fingers caressed his cock and nut sack. It was Brandon's turn to gasp. Her touch was light and soft. "You keep it shaved smooth." She whispered softly as though she was afraid someone might overhear this intimate moment they were sharing.

Brandon smiled. "I've kept it that way for years. I had a very good friend years ago who enjoyed sucking cock more than anything. So I shaved it smooth for her." He smiled bigger. "Best move I ever made."

Sandy returned his smile as she slowly dropped to her knees. She breathed in his scent as she held his cock in front of her face, slowly licking the length of it. She looked up at him as she sucked the head into her mouth. The look on Brandon's face told her she hadn't lost any of her skills in pleasing a man. It had been years since she'd been with a man. But it really was like riding a bike. Her mouth slid down the length of his shaft. She reveled in all the sounds he was making. His groans. His moans. Every gasp. She worked the length of his shaft with her lips as she massaged his balls with her hand.

Brandon couldn't move. It had been a long time since a woman had worked his cock with such expertise. He didn't want it to end. But he didn't want to climax standing there in the middle of the floor either. He grabbed her by her shoulders and stood her up. Without saying a word he scooped her up in his arms and carried her out of his bedroom and into hers. She looked at him as he carried her to her bed. "I figure if I'm taking you, I'm taking you in your bed."

He laid her on the bed then crawled up between her legs as he spread them wide. Her bush was a jet black as her head. He softly stroked her pubic hair, allowing his finger tips to caress her swelling clit. Sandy's body arched up and off the bed as she squealed in pleasure. "Oh shit! Oh shit!"












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